As part of a raft of Accessibility and Inclusion initiatives currently in development and implementation by the Transport for Wales Rail Accessibility and Inclusion Team; this document has been created in partnership with the Rail Delivery Group and other National Train Operating Companies (TOCs).

The purpose of this document is to inform interested parties, both internally and externally to the Rail Industry about the range of relevant Guidance, Legislation and Compliance affecting the Rail Industry as a whole today.

While it is recognised that this document is not all-encompassing, it provides an overview and resource in respect of the myriad of factors and legislation that must be taken into account and appropriately acted upon by all Rail Operating Companies within England and Wales.

  • Technical specifications

    • Technical Specifications for Interoperability

      Technical specifications for interoperability (TSI) define the technical and operational standards which must be met to satisfy the ‘essential requirements’ and to ensure the ‘interoperability’ of the European railway system. TSIs also set out expected performance levels.

      The Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2011 set out the accessibility requirements for heavy rail in the form of the PRM TSI persons with reduced mobility technical specification for interoperability.

      The Rail Vehicle Accessibility (Non Interoperable Rail System) Regulations 2010 (RVAR 2010) set out the accessibility standards to which new non-mainline (and older rail vehicles as and when they are refurbished) must comply.

      Rolling stock covered by RVAR 2010 or the PRM TSI has to provide a number of features that make it easier to use such as handholds, passenger information displays, priority seats and provision for wheelchairs. The PRM TSI also sets accessibility standards for new stations or for stations where major work takes place.

      Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations (PSVAR)

      PSVAR is relevant to TOCs as they need to ensure that the vehicles used as rail replacement services are accessible. PSVAR applies to all new public service vehicles (buses or coaches):

      • Introduced since 31 December 2000
      • With a capacity exceeding 22 passengers
      • Used to provide a local or scheduled service

      PSVAR applies in England, Scotland and Wales and are the responsibility of the Department for Transport. Northern Ireland has introduced separate regulations. These are the responsibility of the Department for Regional Development.

      Rail Vehicle Accessibility

      An outline of the rail accessibility legislation enforced by the ORR.

      Platform Train Interface Guidance

      Incidents at the platform train interface (PTI) account for almost half of the total passenger fatality risk on the mainline railway network, and about one-fifth of the overall passenger fatality and weighted injury (FWI) risk. This RSSB PTI page provides access to various publications, tools and research on this topic.

  • Industry accessibility standards/policies

  • Transport legislation

    • Transport Act 1985

      The Transport Act of 1985 was created as a response to growing concern about the environmental effect the private transportation was having and the public's objection to an increase in road construction. The Act also committed to reduce the amount the public paid for commercial objects.

      Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC)

      An expert committee established by the Transport Act 1985, the Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC) providing advice to the government on the transport needs of disabled people. All DPTAC activities are aligned with its vision statement, that “disabled people should have the same access to transport as everybody else, to be able to go where everyone else goes and to do so easily, confidently and without extra cost”.

      Railways Act 1993

      This legislation created a new regulatory regime for the railways, with the establishment of the Rail Regulator (dealing with the monopoly and dominant elements of the industry, principally Railtrack (now Network Rail)) and the Director of Passenger Rail Franchising, whose role was to sell passenger rail franchises to the private sector. The Director of Passenger Rail Franchising was replaced in 2001 by the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA). When the SRA was abolished in 2006 franchising were taken over by the Secretary of State for Transport. The statutory position of Rail Regulator was abolished in July 2004 and his functions were taken over by the Office of Rail Regulation. Read the Railways Act 1993 here

  • Rail industry statistics

  • Consumer legislation

    • Equality Act 2010

      The Equality Act 2010 is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom with the primary purpose of consolidating, updating and supplementing the numerous prior Acts and Regulations, that formed the basis of anti-discrimination law in Great Britain.

      Consumer Protection Act 1987

      The Consumer Protection Act 1987 gives you the right to claim compensation against the producer of a defective product if it has caused damage, death or personal injury.

      The act also contains a strict liability test for defective products in UK Law making the producer of that product automatically liable for any damage caused.

      General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

      GDPR came into force on May 25th 2018, and was designed to modernise laws that protect the personal information of individuals.

      This Information Commissioner’s Office Guide to the GDPR is part of their Guide to Data Protection, aimed at Data Protection Officers and others who have day-to-day responsibility for data protection.

      It explains the general data protection regime that applies to most UK businesses and organisations. It covers the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it applies in the UK, tailored by the Data Protection Act 2018. 

      Misrepresentation Act 1967

      Misrepresentation Act 1967 is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom which amended the common law principles of misrepresentation. Prior to the Act, the common law deemed that there were two categories of misrepresentation: fraudulent and innocent.

  • Welsh specific related

    • Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015

      The Well-being of Future Generations Act is unique to Wales. It requires public bodies in Wales to think about the long-term impact of their decisions, to work better with people, communities and each other, and to prevent persistent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change.

      Welsh Language Act 1993

      The Welsh Language Act is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, which put the Welsh language on an equal footing with the English language in Wales.

  • General disability-related stats

    • DWP Family Resources Survey

      The Family Resources Survey (FRS) is a continuous household survey which collects information on a representative sample of private households in the United Kingdom. These annual publications provide statistics and commentary on:

      • Income from all sources
      • Housing tenure
      • Caring needs and responsibilities
      • Disability
      • Pension participation


      Scope is a disability equality charity in England and Wales, key disability facts and figures

      Leonard Cheshire

      Leonard Cheshire is a global disability equality charity, key disability facts and figures


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